Sometimes things go wrong. Here’s a few approaches for diagnosing and possible fixing the problem.

Restore last deleted card

If you think you accidentally deleted a card (including a board) at some point, try this.

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Mac: Help → Restore last deleted card

iPad: Settings → Support → Restore Last Deleted Card

This menu item will add most recently-deleted card to your inbox. You can use it multiple times to go down the stack of recent deletions, up to two weeks old.

Safe mode

Muse will automatically enter safe mode if you experience too many crashes in a short time.

You can also use this if your Muse seems to be “stuck” in a state that you can’t get out of, like a board that you can’t leave. To invoke safe mode manually, copy-paste the following address into your web browser (e.g. Safari):


This will take you to a screen where you can try launching Muse again, or export your raw content and/or logs for debugging.

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Sync indicator

In the lower-right corner of your Muse window is the sync status indicator.

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The indicator pulses faintly when there is sync network activity happening. It’s an empty circle when you’re offline.

Tap the indicator to open more detail, including the amount of data queued for upload and download:

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